Editing - Feedback session 3

The feedback that we received was very positive considering what we had edited. Within the beginning of the music video the shots were varied and helped to establish the setting which we were praised for. It was also said that it informed our audience on our narrative and the setting which highlighted qualities of a Britpop music video including conventions. This will help is in the future as we know that we will not have to make any more changes to our introduction due to gathering such positive feedback.

In the next editing sessiom, our group will focus on adding more shots of Lucy as well as also adding different shots of Luke lip syncing in the band. The target is to do this as well as trying not to give away too much of Lucy's identity. We also pieced together many of the shots trying to make the lip syncing much better and making sure that it matches our non-diegetic sound of the audio of the song.


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