SWOT Analysis


We listen to music in everyday life so therefore we know what we are looking for in a potentially good video and we are also very familiar with different styles and genres of music.

It is rather easy to gather a target audience and ask other people of our age what they enjoy as we are in that age category.

We are the Hollywood demographic of 15-24 year olds so therefore we know what to look out for.

As individuals we are very unique, creative and listen to different types of music so when we come together as a collective is may come to our advantage and help us to decide on something.

Due to our location, we have a massive range of different locations in which we can use when we do our filming.

We unfortunately do not have someone who can sing for us at the moment however we are trying to contact a few up and coming singers to help us with our video and therefore they may be able to give us some advice when it comes to filming 

We could realistically get some cars involved to have in the background of our music video to make it more realistic.

We also need to make sure that there is a strong narrative all the way through the video so that the clips shown link to the music.

A threat is that it is hard to make our own clip unique and also so that it is not the same as everyone else’s in the class.

We also need to make it much different than our original video and much better than the video we made last year as we can spend more time on it and make it more detailed with better quality clips and also a better setting to use.

By outlining our strengths and weaknesses we can evidently see what we did well last year and what we need to accomplish this year in order to give ourselves a greater chance of reaching higher grades. 

Firstly, I will be choosing to do a music video due to me being able to show off my skills within the video which I learnt last year. I believe that the other two briefs would not be very beneficial to me as I have not done much work which is related to any of them. Moreover, we will be able to gain creative ideas of what to include in our media product. We found that are main strengths within Media come from working as a group and also we are able to construct a good music video. 

We have chosen to do a digipak for the album's release and also a website homepage. I believe that these are the best briefs for me to be able to show my true potential. It allows me to be creative and show my own personal style. 


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