Target Audience Identification

The target audience of Britpop is highly varied from people in their teenage years 16- early 20's and then people who were born during the birth of Britpop music (35-45 year old). Britpop music is such a highly varied age group that it is hard to identify as there has been a revival of the music during the last decade where many people have started to listen to it again. This is mainly due to The Stone Roses tour and also Liam Gallagher's new tour and album, with more music coming from Noel Gallagher in the foreseeable future.

Image result for britpop fansWithin Britpop music there is no specific Gender that the music is aimed at but the predominant sex which listen to their style of music is males, this is ultimately down to the fact that all the bands that are featured in the industry are all males. However, there are many females who listen to this type of music as it is very calming and relaxing.

The main Ethnicity which Britpop is aimed at is evidently British. However mainly people from all over the world are huge fans of British music. Additionally, many Americans travel thousands miles to listen to British bands. On the other hand, the audience who listen to Britpop are mainly of the low class, this is due to the fact that the bands portray a very rugged and distressed look. Bands such as Oasis and The Stone Roses were brought up on council estates themselves, so the audience can sympathize with them.

The Psychographics of the Britpop audience are that both men and women wear rather bright, out-going outfits and bucket hats. The trend was started off by The Stone Roses and has since become a massive trend within the Britpop culture. Many people who listen to the Britpop genre have a very positive outlook on life and they are represented as a culture of many people who enjoy taking drugs and drinking copious amounts of alcohol. However, there are many fans who enjoy listening to the music and watching their favourite band's perform.
Image result for oasis fans

Using the uses and gratification theory we can suggest that the audience of Oasis can use their music as a way to escape from everyday problems and help release any bad and negative emotions. Secondly, the second part of the theory suggest that personal relationships can be used as a substitution of media for companionship. Thirdly, Personal Identity is the use of music to create self understanding and can help them complete tasks. Lastly, Surveillance is the use of music and media to help us find out what is around us.

Stuart Hall's reception theory suggests how media texts such as Music videos are both encoded and decoded. The producer encodes messages and values into their media which are then decoded by the audience. However, different individuals will decode the media and understanding in different way and maybe not the ways the producer intended. An evident example of this is people listening to Oasis as they are very relaxing and help people to forget about problems in their life, even though this may not be what the producer had intended.


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